Written and performed by Janet Swain. Original songs by Janet Swain.  Dramaturgy – Christine Olsen.

A gawky schoolgirl gets given a lumbering bassoon by her mother, a professional musician. The bassoon opens doors – to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, to a private school – but Janet hates it. After 3 long years of playing she fails an exam and abandons the bassoon to the depths of her mother’s garage. 32 years later she rediscovers the bassoon and now she is ready for it. She is ready to re-examine her own family history, to re-discover her talented but frustrated musical grandmother, to accept and embrace her own creative spark. 

Enter Delphi/Janet – the accomplished musician, choir mistress and cabaret star – and her bassoon.

So begins a story that explores mother and daughters, a woman’s struggle for a creative life, expectations, disappointments and the relentless wheel of generational patterns.

This is Janet’s very first solo show and it features 8 original songs, 4 characters and one bassoon. It had it first performance to a sold out house at Brunswick Picture House in March 2021. The show has since been performed twice at the Drill Hall in Mullumbimby, and continues to develop with each performance.

I loved it! Beautiful songs and very poignant and comic story. 

This show has great appeal across generations…..entirely original!

Wonderful show – evocative, funny and powerfully held together – highly recommended! 

Duration: Approximately 55 minutes.

Contact Janet Swain –


The story so far…….over one year ago, Janet debuted her first solo show at Brunswick Picture House. She then repeated the performances at the Drill Hall in Mullumbimby. Earlier this year, Janet worked with Sydney director Kenneth Moraleda and writer/producer Christine Olsen to develop the show, and presented it as a work in progress to a small select audience.

And now, the next step…the final step…. in the evolution of this new and unique tiny musical…. Janet presents four performances of the stripped back and reworked one hour show.

Tickets are strictly limited for these four intimate shows, so book now!